Every spoke of the wheel leads to the center.

Upcoming Events


Inner Domain Fundamentals Flow Yoga

I look forward to sharing the fundamentals of yoga, which I refer to as the 5 pillars. These teachings are profound and important for beginners and seasoned yogis. As the director of a training school called Inner Domain 5 Element Yoga, I am passionate about the deeper experience of yoga which means "union" and is an ancient practice of mastering the mind and connecting with Source to embody the True Self. 

 The classes I facilitate integrate the understanding of how the elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether integrate as functions in our multidimensional bodies which when in balance produce well being and longevity. We also tune into the energetic body which includes the chakra system (endocrine system), the channels of prana called nadis and the various dimensions of the self.

 Balance and integration depends on the breath. The breath is the very first thing I teach and is the core focus of every class. The breath is the bridge between the dimensions. The breath is LIFE. The breath interfaces between the mind and the body.

 The benefits of this class will be magnified by the scalar waves emitting from the Eesystem below our yoga space which is situated on a beautiful high vibe property. And lastly we will enjoy a like-hearted community.

  Fridays from 4:30-5:45pm.

 Contact me for directions to attend at nevafusion@gmail.com

 Suggested Donation $20.00. Sliding scale accepted due to hardship

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Together We Rise, Dancing in Freedom

Dance is movement and movement is life. Dance is moving from a feeling sense in the body. Dance is embodiment. It is a claiming of the self and the soul. Dance heals. It releases stuck and stagnant energies that correspond to unfelt feelings and unprocessed stress and trauma. Like water when it flows, movement purifies. Lack of movement means death. Spontaneous freedom dance is simply being, allowing and honoring the self, letting go of self consciousness and celebrating life, emotion in motion, community and the Source. Dance is a moving prayer that sends the energy of our hearts into the earth and sky and joins us in love.

10:00-11:30pm  at the Center Within in Black Mountain. The Center Within is an EMF free healing center which hosts fabulous healers and events. No cell phones or smart watches please. In this way, our systems can return to harmony as we dance from our deepest souls for the new year.

The Center Within

130 Center Ave, Black Mountain, NC 28711

We will be:

• Gathering together in a Circle of connection and intention
• Moving into a spontaneous freedom dance of the elements.   

• Closing with an immersion of deep silence through guided Yoga Nidra

* Bring water, a mat and or a blanket, a pillow if you like,  and wear loose, comfortable clothing you can move, stretch and sit on the floor in. We are a cell phone free, EMF free zone, so you will need to leave your phone in your car, preferably off.  Chairs will be available for those who prefer a chair to the floor.

Our class size limit is 12, the number of the zodiac!  The suggested minimum donation for the event is $25.00

Payment options: Venmo, @neva-ingalls, Zelle to nevafusion@gmail.com, Or 240 381 1409 via my website. You can use this link:


Drop Ins are welcome to bring cash at the door. Let us know in advance  to hold you spot due to limited space. Please keep in mind that if you need to cancel to give your spot to someone else 24 hour notice would be appreciated

RSVP  Neva Ingalls Nevafusion@gmail.com

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Yoga /Qi Gong Gentle Flow with Yoga NIdra

Yoga /Qi Gong Gentle Flow with Yoga NIdra

Yoga/QiGong Gentle Flow with Yoga Nidra

Join Neva, founder of Inner Domain Sacred Ministries and lifetime student of healing arts through movement, touch, meditation and other modalities of energetic alignment with Light, Love, Truth and Self Actualization, for a session of gentle breath guided yoga fused with Qi Gong and the transformational guided meditation called Yoga Nidra.
These practices can be done by novices or lifetime students. The aim is to align one’s body, mind, heart and energetic system with the eternal, the sacred and the highest potential within all of us for health, well being and empowerment.This intention is greatly enhanced in the harmonizing frequency of the Eesystem at the Shambala Lifeforce Center.

Learn more about Energy Enhancement systems here: https://eesystem.com/ and Shambala Life Force in Black Mountain, here: https://shambalalifeforce.com/

Saturday, January 20, 2024 2:00-4:00pm

Book via https://shambalalifeforce.com. Go to January events and book the date and time for Neva’s offering. Find the convenient and beautiful location on the website or direct to :


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Yoga Fundamentals, Immerse in the Endless Beginnings of Yoga

The Beginning.

Fundamentals of Yoga

Immerse in the Endless Beginnings of Yoga

Yoga is a never-ending journey of returning to the simple present -moment beginning. “And at the still point, there is the dance”, T.S. Elliot

Join Neva to learn the essence, purpose and fundamentals of yoga. Yoga is not simply a system of exercise and breath, but a journey of Self Knowledge supported by tapping into our deepest soul intentions, clearing the sabotaging patterns in the deeper mind, as well as the distractions of the superficial mind, through breath and mantra and embodying health, focus and vitality through asanas and bandhas. Embark on this journey of transformation or dive deeper. This journey never ends and becomes richer and more alive with consistent practice.

Beginners and seasoned yogis invited.

Saturday, January 21, 2023


$30.00. For details and to register via The Washington Yoga Center use this link.


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Introduction to Jyotisha, Vedic Astrology

Introduction to Jyotisha, Vedic Astrology

This is an online workshop. Discover your life purpose through Vedic Astrology with Neva

Vedic Astrology, is a system known as Jyotisha. It is an older and more nuanced system than Western astrology. Jyotisha reveals not just the sign you were born in but more importantly, the star constellation or Nakshatra that was emerging over the horizon at the moment of your birth.The Nakshatra and the planet that rules your birth sign carry the source code of your life purpose. The map of your birth chart also shows your strengths and karmas or obstacles, not to enforce victimhood but to empower your blossoming. Once you are in alignment with this this code that we call Dharma, everything in your life will synchronize.

In this workshop Neva will share the fundamentals of astrology from the Vedic perspective. According to the Vedas, knowing your chart is even more important than knowing your Dosha or constitution in the health system of Ayurveda. We are here to bring our gifts to fruition and to realize the source of our being.

Students will learn the difference between Vedic and Western astrology, the nature of the planets and the nodes of the moon, Rahu and Ketu as indicators of your karma, the houses and signs and the importance of the nakshatra and planetary ruler.

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Discover Your Life Purpose Through Vedic Astrology with Neva

Vedic Astrology, is a system known as Jyotisha. It is an older and more nuanced system than Western astrology. Jyotisha reveals not just the sign you were born in but more importantly, the star constellation or Nakshatra that was emerging over the horizon at the moment of your birth.The Nakshatra and the planet that rules your birth sign carry the source code of your life purpose. The map of your birth chart also shows your strengths and karmas or obstacles, not to enforce victimhood but to empower your blossoming. Once you are in alignment with this this code that we call Dharma, everything in your life will synchronize.

In this workshop Neva will share the fundamentals of astrology from the Vedic perspective. According to the Vedas, knowing your chart is even more important than knowing your Dosha or constitution in the health system of Ayurveda. We are here to bring our gifts to fruition and to realize the source of our being.

Students will learn the difference between Vedic and Western astrology, the nature of the planets and the nodes of the moon, Rahu and Ketu as indicators of your karma, the houses and signs and the importance of the nakshatra and planetary ruler.

Participants will receive a birth chart and a brief synopsis of their Dharma.

Required: Come with your Birth details, including time, place and date of birth.

2 hours. $40.00

December 17, 1:30-3:30

Use this link for details and to register


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Empower to Heal, Flowing with Compassion
to Nov 26

Empower to Heal, Flowing with Compassion

  • Inner Domain Sacred Ministry and Zoom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Together with certified Yoga Therapist, Neva Ingalls discover, your self healing ability through the multi dimensions of ancient yoga teachings and practices.

During this three part workshop series, Neva will share the deeper healing potential of the 8 limbs of yoga, integrating compassionate awareness of breath, movement, energy pathways, marmas, and unlocking the potential of the heart and mind.

Each class will include a discussion, lecture and practice. Individual issues of participants will be addressed in the practices if participants wish.

Neva is a certified Yoga Therapist with IAYT, an Ayurvedic lifestyle counselor and Director of The Inner Domain Sacred Ministry, which has as its mission statement, the intention to live in alignment with nature’s principals.


Dates: Saturdays, November 5-November 19, 2022
Time: 1-2:30 PM
Format: Live zoom and recorded.

Cost: $82.50 Early bird: Save 5% off if you register up to 2 days before the workshop
10% off for WYC Members always

Register with this link:


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to Aug 6

Pranayama, The Breath of Life

Breath in Life and Love

Pranayama, The Breath of Life

Pranayama is the art of augmenting and balancing the breath of life, which integrates body, mind and spirit. Pranayama governs our health and immunity, optimism and creativity, focus, vitality and hope.

Join Neva in a 3 part exploration of breathing techniques which will bring increased self awareness and empowerment to navigate life with joy, gratitude, clarity and equanimity.

Part One.

 How Do I Breathe?. Uncover and balance dysfunctional breathing patterns. Heal through self awareness in the compassionate focused breath.

Part Two

The Breath has two phases, inhale and exhale which function as Agni (Fire and vitality) and Soma (Water, nurturance and renewal). Part two will focus on the fiery aspect of the breath and its purifying activating principles.

Part Three

This final class will focus on the Soma aspect of the breath which cools, nurtures and rebuilds and the art of balancing Fire and Water in breath and life (Nadi Shodhana).

Time Saturdays, 1-2:30pm

July 23-Aug 6

Cost  $90.00

 Recordings available for a month.

*Please wear comfortable loose clothing and have available, a large pillow or bolster, a towel or mat, something to sit on, a chair, meditation pillow, block or block substitute, something to take notes with and water.

Registration link:


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A Journey Through the Chakras
to May 28

A Journey Through the Chakras

A Process of Self Discovery and Empowerment

Join Neva Ingalls, Director of Inner Domain School of Yoga, in the ancient and powerful practices of meditation, mantra, breath work (pranayama) and asana to tune into the energy centers (chakras) of the subtle anatomy understood in the yogic teachings. Blockages manifested through unresolved experiences from the past, lack of understanding (avidya), less than optimum pranayama, physical miss alignments and more can impede our development into all that we can be. Even in the absence of significant blockages, it is possible to enhance the functionality and integration of these key centers and strengthen our ability to live a fulfilled, empowered and inspired life generated from peace and gratitude.

Let's take this deep dive together.

This series will be held in 4 sessions.

Session 1. Earth and Water, the elements of the first two and most physical of the chakras, Muladhara and Svadisthana.

Session 2. Fire. The third chakra that governs energy, transmutation and digestion in life, (Manipura).

Session 3.  Air (Anahata) and Ether(Space, Akash, Vishuddha). The fourth and 5th more subtle chakras that govern individualized soul experience, and expression.

Session 4. The Chakra referred to as the “third eye”, ( Ajna) the master chakra of perception and the potential of clarity and the crown chakra, (Sahasrara), which is the chakra of total manifestation of the divine creative intelligence into our physicality.

Time. Consecutive Saturdays from 3-4:45.

Format. Live zoom and recorded.

Dates: May 7, 14, 21, & 28.

Registration Link:


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Sacred Spiral Dance of Healing

 for Soul Frequency Calibration. DONATION

Full Moon Alignment New York Time Zone

The Sacred Spiral of the Divine Spark

The Sacred Spiral of the Divine Spark

The Sacred Geometry of our embodiment is a spiral that holds our Divine spark of individual soul expression. The more we ground to our sacred Mother Tara, the more strongly our spark can shine and manifest scared creativity into the world. This divine frequency aligns with the awakened sparks of all living beings and together we magnify the frequency of love to heal the planet and its beings.

Take this journey with me. Let’s dance the dance of dreamers. Connect with the sacred spark and let it move you. Let your body unlock its secrets and honor its deepest emotions. When we unlock stuck energy, feel it and acknowledge it, we free our inner space to hold a stronger and higher frequency and the more we can ground to the mother. 

 Have a journal ready. We will dance our dreams and feelings and write our stories to ourselves on the Full Moon. We will recognize our own secrets and potentials and shine our lights more brightly into the world.

Learn more to register and select your donation option.

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to Feb 14

Reclaiming You

We arrive at the beginning, having taken the heroes journey to find ourself home with ourself all along, now fully empowered in innocence, creativity and gratitude. Review the tools, the journey and vision to share with others.

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to Dec 29

Life Flow 5 Week Series

Join this weekly Tuesday Morning community from 9-10:30am for an integrated practice of intention and life force yoga flow with felt sense awareness and union with Divine resonance at the core of your being.

Heal the rift and move from fear into gratitude. Raise the vibration of your cellular frequency.

This class is for all levels and includes, Sam Kalpa, Visualization, Mantra, Breath, Felt Sense flow, restorative stretching and deep rest. We meet via zoom so tune in from wherever you are.

This is a five week series of classes that are held on Tuesday mornings via zoom from 9-10:30am.

5 classes $100.00

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to Nov 29

A Hero’s Journey

Dive into the dark to capture the light.

Dive into the dark to capture the light.

Join Neva and Lisa for a weekend of exploration into the deeper recesses of the self for union and healing. This is week two of the Life Flow Yoga for anxiety training and I have decided to make the teachings available for those wanting to join for a weekend.

As we venture into the wild inner recesses of our soul we first connect to our inner guide.In yoga this is called Ishta Devata or personal connection to a sacred or divine presence.

In transpersonal psychology it might be called your higher power or higher self.In shamanic practices it could be a power animal or totem and in the Buddhist approach one could simply say, that part of oneself that has only your highest good as its goal.

The message here is the importance of having a feeling of safety, unconditional love support, and guidance when embarking upon the inward and downward descent of the self to retrieve the jewel of our soul’s essence and then bring it back into the light, integrated into every aspect of our life expression and experience. The hero’s journey.The epic tale of every civilization of facing the darkness to see the light.

We will review tools for self care, grounding, centering and empowering asana and movement practices, meditation to access our inner guide and more.

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Life Flow Yoga Therapy for Anxiety Training
to Feb 14

Life Flow Yoga Therapy for Anxiety Training

Training for health care professionals, yoga therapists and teachers and healers, counselors and personal journeyers.

Five Pronged approach:

  •  Soma Therapies, Yoga, spontaneous movement, Qi Gong, Feldenkrais

  •  Shamanic and Tantrik soul Journeying through guided meditation, yoga nidra and mindfulness

  •  Life style applications, Ayurveda, Ritual, Jyotish (the art of timing, alignment of Dharma and navigating Karma)

  •  Energy Medicine.  Balancing, cleansing and harmonizing the energetic field to support healing the physical and soul levels. The use of Touch.

  •  Creativity and finding voice to integrate through all koshas

 Included in depth study and practice of these approaches

  • Interactive Sessions

  • Clinical role play

  • Interview Strategies

  • Designing personalized and group sessions

  • Learning the role of the guide

Join our team of experts online and in person.

Dates: Oct 10-11, Nov 28-29, Jan 9-10, 2021, Feb 13-14, 2021

9:00am - 3:00pm each day with breaks and lunch.

40 CEUs  with IAYT and or Yoga Alliance.

Recommended Reading

The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D.

Teaching Trauma Sensitive Yoga, Bredan Abram

Somatic Psychotherapy Toolbox, Manuela Mischke-Reeds. MA, LMFT

Waking The Tiger, Healing Trauma, Peter A. Levine

Register by September 15, 2020 to receive a discount. ($795.00) or thereafter $895.00)

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Meditation Sangha

Connect with Inner Light Wisdom and the Wisdom of the Stars

Connect with Inner Light Wisdom and the Wisdom of the Stars

A circle of light, wisdom, and healing. After sharing and discussion based on yogic wisdom and Vedic astrology, the group is guided through a visual practice of accessing Source through sound and light and the beauty of the 5 elements in nature. This is a donation based class. You may find the Donation button on the home page. Let us unite in clarity with a vision of health, peace and freedom. Namaste, Neva

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