Lifestyle Consultation

Let us examine from the perspective of your innermost heart’s passion, how all aspects of your life can come into alignment, and design action steps to make this a reality.

Are you feeling a need for a new direction? Or guidance and insights about how to improve your health, capacity for joy, peace of mind, and sense of abundance?

A counseling session with me will include examining various dimensions of your life. I will introduce Ayurvedic perspectives on bringing health to the body, mind, and spirit, as well as the science of yoga to bring balance, grace, and power to the temple of your body.

We are multi-faceted beings and as such a multi-faceted strategy can be determined to move away from attitudes and habits that no longer serve you, and shift your energy in new and positive ways that help you spread your wings and fly.

I will ask you to describe your current lifestyle in detail and to share your dreams, and together we will design a plan. If you desire, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Vedic Astrology, dietary plans, yoga programs, creative endeavors, and more can be included.

Lifestyle Consultations
from $100.00


Connecting with Nature’s Loving Intelligence

Walking Counseling Sessions

Schedule a walk with me. Let’s breathe together and share. I will listen to your angst and your hopes. Then we will meditate on Nature’s balance and beauty and allow her to restore our spirits and resiliency

“One time I remember you said that one of the main reasons there is so much pain and conflict in the world today is because we are all disconnected from the earth and from one another. But that through mediation and yoga, we could find the inner connectivity to find better sync with each other. It really helps my soul when I remember things like this that you have brought up. I feel so much more balanced and grounded. Thank you for being such a positive influence in my life.”

— Lillie

“Neva, thank you so much for EVERYTHING. Every word, every smile, every drop of the divine you let fall from your mouth and body...thank you.”

The journey inside is the most important journey you will ever take