for Soul Frequency Calibration. DONATION
Full Moon Alignment New York Time Zone
The Sacred Spiral of the Divine Spark
The Sacred Geometry of our embodiment is a spiral that holds our Divine spark of individual soul expression. The more we ground to our sacred Mother Tara, the more strongly our spark can shine and manifest scared creativity into the world. This divine frequency aligns with the awakened sparks of all living beings and together we magnify the frequency of love to heal the planet and its beings.
Take this journey with me. Let’s dance the dance of dreamers. Connect with the sacred spark and let it move you. Let your body unlock its secrets and honor its deepest emotions. When we unlock stuck energy, feel it and acknowledge it, we free our inner space to hold a stronger and higher frequency and the more we can ground to the mother.
Have a journal ready. We will dance our dreams and feelings and write our stories to ourselves on the Full Moon. We will recognize our own secrets and potentials and shine our lights more brightly into the world.
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