
Whole Spirit Wisdom neva Ingalls Whole Spirit Wisdom neva Ingalls


Life is exquisite. And we have time to see it and play with our children and animals and read and connect with family via zoom and skype. But there is also reason for concern. Take this time to reflect. What do you want to preserve moving forward and what are you willing to do to achieve that.

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Even in Your Darkest Hour
Whole Spirit Wisdom neva Ingalls Whole Spirit Wisdom neva Ingalls

Even in Your Darkest Hour

Recently my teacher Prem Rawat ( I call him Maharaji) described the space between the wall we enter through at birth and the wall we exit through at death, as so dramatic that it seems real. I was taken aback though I have heard and accepted this premise, albeit superficially.

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From Fear into Love
Whole Spirit Wisdom neva Ingalls Whole Spirit Wisdom neva Ingalls

From Fear into Love

I notice as I venture through my local woods, parks, neighborhoods and down to the river, that many people, though out and about, are very fearful. I ponder the fact that two weeks ago and even a month ago the threat around us was the same as now and people were far more relaxed and going into stores without masks and gloves. What has changed?

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