Even in Your Darkest Hour


Whole Spirit Teachings

Recently my teacher Prem Rawat ( I call him Maharaji) described the space between the wall we enter through at birth and the wall we exit through at death, as so dramatic that it seems real. I was taken aback though I have heard and accepted this premise, albeit superficially.

He started his address with that statement. Kind of like dropping a bomb. Here we go folks. Hold onto your seats. There is Truth in the house.

Part the veils of ignorance, Krishna tells Arjun in the midst of an epic battle with his own family who've turned to darkness, deception and betrayal. Krishna explains that the wise person knows that no one is born and no one dies and that everyone has a dharma to play out in this life and an ultimate goal of union with the creator, who Krishna declares to be.

What a life challenge Arjun faced to do his duty to fight evil and strive for the clarity, equanimity and devotion Krishna advised him was the way to navigate the battle. He was pushed to such an edge of angst that he surrendered to Krishna and the Truth of Krishna's presence and power was revealed.

Krishna told Arjun, "focus on me Arjun. Dedicate all your actions to me." And I will bring you to me. You cannot avoid action, so act, but dedicate all action to me. Then you will know liberation from this veil of tears." I am paraphrasing, but that is the message.

He also tells Arjun, " Even in your darkest hour, I will not abandon you."

We are in a time of darkness now. The forces of darkness are gaining in many sectors. It has happened again and again throughout history, this pendulum swing between darkness and light, the ego and the heart. There have been times so dark that the heart had to work underground so as not to be persecuted.

 It is like that in some places now.

Don't let yourself be distracted by the drama. See it and acknowledge it, but don't be consumed.

Maharaji went onto explain that our salvation is found in the moment called NOW. In the moment called know, reality can be felt and the heart can be full of gratitude. All of our hope and potential unfolds only from the moment called now. The way he described the power of now was exquisite and so true. I know it to be true. Holding steady in the now is the way out of the illusion, darkness,  confusion, and despair. It is our only hope to find solutions and connect with one another. In the moment we are the same. Human Beings. Equal. With a birthright of dignity, freedom, comfort, self expression, knowledge.

He said all of this in his recent event in LA. It is available to listen to on his app called TimelessToday. I recommend checking it out.

At this time we need all the clarity we can muster so see our way through and not drown in the madness. And to hold a space for light to prevail. Light, as Maharaji explains, is more powerful than darkness. Darkness is an absence.

 Let us fill the world with light, one heart candle at a time.

In the Moment called Now.




Life Flow Yoga for Anxiety

