From Fear into Love


I notice as I venture through my local woods, parks, neighborhoods and down to the river, that many people, though out and about, are very fearful. I ponder the fact that two weeks ago and even a month ago the threat around us was the same as now and people were far more relaxed and going into stores without masks and gloves. What has changed? In fact, since we have been isolated for more than the two week incubation period for this virus and haven't gotten sick, then you would think our fear would have lessened. It has increased dramatically. I am not saying that caution is not warranted. In fact, I was wearing a mask and gloves 3 weeks ago, before it was required, because I perceived the threat then as I perceive it now. Still, my commentary is on the manifestation of fear and the general energy of tension and suspicion it generates. Fear weakens out immune systems and causes us to see each other as threats. It robs our kindness and compassion and blocks our intelligence.

I check into the news to find out what is being communicated and what I find is high drama, pushing fear to the maximum. Where is the balance? Where is the advice about how to keep our immune systems healthy, apart from seeing your neighbor as your potential enemy? Where is the conversation about the power of love and creative solutions. The power of positivity in general. Where is the discussion about vitamin C, D3, A, zinc, iodine and clean diet with good water? Where is the understanding of all of the anti viral herbs, spices, essential oils and foods? Where is the advice to sleep 8 hours, spend time in nature and communicate love to loved ones? Where is the conversation about gratitude? And where is the news about all the people recovering or simply not getting the virus.

Quantum Physics, one of the most thoroughly researched branches of science today, can now measure our thought frequencies and patterns from a distance without the use of probes attached to our heads. This scientifically verifies what yoga and other holistic sciences have known for millenniums. Our thoughts affect the energy frequency around us and the more of us hold the same thought, especially with emotional charge, the more we affect the environment for good or ill.

The media feeds us fear and stimulates anger and frustration, because we feel powerless in the face of tragedy and loss.

Caution and awareness are required, but collectively we must realize and harness the power of our thoughts and feelings into a vision of Earth as garden that provides, freedom, health and fulfillment to all. Of course it can. Twice a day (or more), take the time to envision the earth as a garden and her people cooperating in freedom, wisdom and respect. See and feel this outcome a reality and and together we can change the energy positively. The direction we have been going is not sustainable. We must combine focused, loving and creative vision, with wise action to move into a new and sustainable way of being. Now is not the time to withdraw in anger, fear and defeat or too feel powerless. Remember who you are. Awaken and rise up. Envision and activate your divine right to freedom and equality.

Each one of us has this precious life and this day to savor its sweetness and blessings. And if you have a home and food and your health and freedom you are blessed indeed. Let us develop our power of intention and prayer and gather around us and into us the Divine light that is the fabric of our reality. Let us harmonize with this light and Divine mind and feel it blessing everyone and the planet herself.

Never under estimate the power of the mind to create positive change. Its power to create and imagine is evident, but how it has been directed has been motivated by our lower nature of greed and selfishness and fear. If the human race is to survive and thrive we have to gather our heart -mind power in a more unified and positive way than it has ever been before, and shift the coming reality to one in which the planet continues to heal and balance as it has been doing since we stopped. Where water and air is clean and there is silence to hear the harmony of nature and our own hearts. Let's envision a better world for our children. Its now or never. Stay in peace and love.

Gaia is her name. One of them. Since we walked on her surface and swam in her waters we have revered her, until we developed the concept of ownership which arose from learning to grow crops. Then we developed trade and exchange based not on things but symbols of things. What we call money. In our pursuit of mastery over nature and protection from the elements we devised more and more strategies to simplify our lives and eventually came the industrial age and development of chemicals and now electronics, etc

Since then we have spiraled down a path we now see to be leading to our demise. Its ironic that the technologies designed to free our time for joy, peace, love and harmony, actually enslaved us. It is not the technologies themselves that are inherently negative, but the way we have used them and abused them and the rampant disease called greed.

It is being exposed now more than ever. In this in between time we call lockdown, but I like to call retreat, we are being reset. The air sparkles and smells so sweet I want to cry with joy. The colors vibrate because the light is pure and not filtered through layers of poison which are usually prevalent. 




Shatavari, a Womens’ Herb