

Life is exquisite. And we have time to see it and play with our children and animals and read and connect with family via zoom and skype.

But there is also reason for concern. Take this time to reflect. What do you want to preserve moving forward and what are you willing to do to achieve that.

Yogis ask this question everyday. What do I want to experience today in this one precious life and what am I willing to let go of or keep in order to manifest that. These aren't material goals. The goal is the ultimate experience and what would that be? Well, we each have to discover that. Some call it connection to spirit, some, Ishta Devata, some spirit guide or power animal and some higher self.

Now more than ever we must discover this sustaining connection within our hearts and every cell of our beings and allow the passion of life to rise like the fire that it is and bring us a higher vision of humanity living in abundance and peace. 

I believe it is happening. The vibration of humanity is rising. There could be a last stand before the light prevails. The dark forces we have allowed to infiltrate and control every facet of our world, are now so entrenched that we need nothing short of a miracle and all of us joining together, to break the shackles. We must stand together.

Pharmaceuticals and fossil fuel, but mostly the former, control the media and what it emphasizes, the regulatory agencies what they allow that they shouldn't allow, our health system and our congress.

And now they have resorted to censorship, so that facts cannot make their way to us. Whistle blowers are imprisoned, threatened and worse.

I reach into the dimensions where the Devis and angels reside. I seeing them amassing power. I see fields and fields of light warriors and every hierarchy of ascended beings of light gathering together. I hear the exalted choirs of love and truth. They await, for they can't move unless we ask for help. Together, every day and every moment, let us go into our deepest hearts and beseech them to help us expose the darkness and send it back to its rightful place under the foot of Shiva, as in the image of Lord of the Dance, Naturaj. Darkness is a part of duality. In this realm is cannot go away, but now we have given it too much power and we must take back our power. Do not succumb to fear. Stand in courage and peace and hold a vision of a world where our children can play and the air is fresh and the rivers are clean. Gaia, our mother, the Garden of Eden and we who are her beloved fruits, must be saved. Keep this vision unwavering, and in yourself commit to doing whatever it takes to make this shift, short of violence or hurting others.

In this time we can deepen our connection with her as she blossoms. Be with the trees and allow them to reveal their spirits . Be with the flowers and allow them to up lift your soul. Be with the green energy and let it boost your immune system and go down to the river, stream, lake or ocean and enjoy the sparkling clean waters, the life blood of the mother. Let's open our hearts and sing a joyous thank you. Let's sing with the angels and march to freedom.


French Lentil Dal


Life Flow Yoga for Anxiety