You Can Heal

You Can Heal

What is your commitment to self help strategies and activating self responsibility for establishing longevity and well being?

Ayurveda is a system of wellness which is based on the foundation of self responsibility as well as an understanding of the power of your source connection and self healing a ability. Prana is our breath and life force and it powers our immunity and transformation into the highest expression of ourselves, we have yet to fully discover, uncover and embody. 

Yoga is the system of techniques which peel away the layers of illusion which cloud our view both externally and internally, as well as activating a greater degree of prana.

I have practiced a holistic multi -pronged approach for many decades. Until recently, there has been enough tolerance, compassion and cooperation for bridges to be navigated between the allopathic and holistic approaches to health maintenance. Lately, the holistic approaches have been ostracized.

As a yogini, I honor the Earth and what she provides. She is the eternal Goddess who holds the mystery of life in her wise and ancient womb. She is Kali, the void, the Goddess of time and she is Lakshmi, the Goddess of Light, fulfillment, nourishment and abundance. The original people were and are in communication with her and recognize she holds the secrets of health, longevity, balance and awakening of the mind and heart to its highest experience and expression.

Science is the human investigation of the mystery of the microcosm and the macrocosm, instigated by the deep spark of truth seeking that lies within all of us. We take different routes in this pursuit, but the motivation is fundamentally built into the evolution of life. We long for the direct and personal experience of the Source and we know instinctively this is LOVE.

And yet, a hubris arises to use the power of nature for personal gain, fame and power and control. In our delusion we think we can shield ourselves from pain, loss and ultimately death. This ignorance can only exist in the absence of personal connection to Source. The hero’s journey is to reclaim  the connection to Source within. We are misdirected to pursue our source connection in the external world which is a mere reflection that gives us a glimpse of perfection but can never bring deep and lasting fulfillment. The external world is like the Moon that reflects the light of the internal Sun but has no light of its own and therefore cannot sustain or nourish.

The essence, the jewel of our Life Force lives within the core of our heart/mind.

That which judges, divides, and controls, is anti- life and cannot sustain or maintain.  It has a built-in self-destruct.

Fear must be faced, the shadow acknowledged, the pain of separation, guilt and grief accepted and released to return to the innocence and purity of the heart where peace and health abides. If you are interested in diving into this journey of reclaiming yourself, please refer to my online course listed in the training section, Life Flow Yoga Therapy for Anxiety.

We are each the angel who has come to save us.

Dis-ease is that which is out of alignment with Source. When we purify the physical, mental, and emotional toxins we are left with health in body, mind and spirit so we can thrive, create and prosper. There is no short cut, pill, potion or injection which will do the work of self responsibility for us. There is no substitute for taking the reigns of our own personal power and loving intelligence. Cleansing is fundamental and not just our bodies but out Mother Earth. Her soil, water and atmosphere have been abused by industry, deceit, greed and ignorance. All of us can participate in her cleansing by our personal practices and by demanding local strategies to support clean energy, recycling, and the yoga yamas of kindness, non-greed, non- stealing, and honesty. We can bring in leaders or ourselves become leaders who reflect these balanced approaches. We must hold ourselves accountable. We have taken our eye off the ball for too long.

If you want to empower yourself with self healing strategies I can help.

The Art of Jin Shin acknowledges the Source as wisdom, health, love and light, that is the fabric of our multi dimensional physicality. Its divine intelligence channels through rivers called nadis or meridians  in the body and maintains all functions on 6th depths regulated by junctures or points referred to as “safety energy locks”, or SELS (marma points). Using your hands as jumper cables the SELs are held in sequences called “flows” to harmonize the energy of body, mind and spirit. Disharmony occurs when energy is blocked, stagnated, deviated or reversed by external toxins, emotional traumas, stress, ancestral issues, and attitudes such as fear, anger, greed (attachment), pretense (deception and denial), frustration, jealousy and worry. When we release these and return to our true nature and BE, the flows correct themselves and health and potentiality return. Our Divine nature is restored. This process is assisted by the gentle touch of Jin Shin.

Even in times of digital connection the Art of Jin Shin is a powerful tool that can be applied in person by a practitioner, via distance healing and self help instruction. We can even optimize medical interventions and purify their potential negative side effects. Empower yourself and reclaim your source connection to health, wisdom and fulfillment.

Be in touch.

Love and light,



The Truth


A Journey of Ascension