The Truth

The Truth

When I was embarking upon the inner journey of self discovery via the ancient traditions and techniques of meditation, handed down through the ages, I was taught that without the longing to know the truth my journey was not likely to lead to fruition. 

I understood the truth was not the relative truth of the material world of duality, but the Truth as the ultimate unwavering fabric of reality. The truth, not as opposite to a lie, but Truth as the Source and the Light of creation. This is not a concept to be understood by the limited perception of the sensory mind, but an awakening of consciousness, sought by spiritual students for all of time. This awakening is the opening of the “3rd eye”, the Ajna , 6th chakra in the center of the mind, which brings a direct perception of light. This experience is one of bliss, enlightenment and soul freedom or what the yogis call moksa. It is the goal of all the techniques shared in the Yoga Sutras and described in the spiritual texts. It is the heaven within described in all religions.

The seeking of this awakening is the underlying impulse of humanity to know itself, to understand life and to align with this energy of pure love and the loving intelligence of creation. Until this ultimate purpose is fulfilled  we will be forever pursuing satisfaction from the world to no avail and through this misdirected effort we will continue to spin webs of entrapment and suffering.

The journey is an inward one and is attained by connecting with the core of one’s heart- mind. It involves the dissolution of the constructed, small or ego self which enables us to interface with our societies and cultures. This limited dimension of the mind serves a function, but as it is created by the world it is as limited as the world. We can never know the Truth through its perception. 

This shift from the dual nature of the sensory mind, to the deeper field of consciousness that is unified with the Source involves inner inquiry, surrender and letting go.

Meditation is the foundation of yoga, which means to join. Yoga is the integration of the small self into the Eternal self. It is a journey of innocence and inquiry. It is what we are created to realize and enjoy. 

So many aspects of our lives distract us from this journey. Surround yourself with those people and environments which are in alignment with your heart, with nature, beauty and balance. Remove toxins from your mind and body to clean the windshield of your perception, to feel/sense the subtle world of light and love. Remove fluoride, which calcifies the pineal gland, the glad of the endocrine system that connects with the third eye and unified consciousness. All of our environmental toxins dull our faculties and impede our awakening. Yoga and Ayurveda and modern healers like Anthony William, give us tools. When embarking on this journey of purification you will feel the veil of illusion lifting. The shackles of limitation taught by the world will release as the flimsy bindings they always were. Spread the wings you were given and embody the full power and light of the unique life force you are.

Contact me to embark on your journey of purification.


Point of Light


You Can Heal