A Journey of Ascension

Dear Yogis. 

I am embarking on a journey of rebirth. The planets are aligned to support purification and renewal for all living beings of Mother Earth and Mother Earth herself. 1000’s of years of greed, exploitation and control have taken their tole. Finally the meek shall inherit the earth. The people are returning to the earth and claiming freedom by establishing independence and interdependence, rejuvenating the soil and thus the air and water and envisioning a life of beauty.The consciousness of us and them, right and left, black and white, rich and poor, educated and uneducated is over. For millennium spiritual teachings have promoted freedom, simplicity, generosity, equality, peace and living in balance and gratitude with the earth and her creatures. The time is now and not just for a dedicated minority. This is the consciousness that the planet will support.

I am relocating tot the mountains of western North Carolina and though there is much work to do, my vision is to live in alignment with the principals I have practiced and taught for decades.

I will continue to be in touch with my clients and students around the country and in Europe, via zoom and eventually will invite people to join me in the mountains for regenerative retreats during which we will reclaim health, freedom, connection, celebration and joy.

We are the people of he Earth. She has the wisdom we need now to return to sanity. Let us gather by the fire and feel the drum synchronizing our hearts under the starry night sky and dream a future of splendor.  Let the rivers run clean and the plants provide food and medicine. Breathe the sweet air that sustains and energizes us. 

Dance until you have broken open. 

Dance when you have torn the bandage off.

Dance until you are free.


We call each other to more truth and love

We have the right to start somewhere and continue to grow. We have the responsibility to examine what we think we know. We will not be perfect.

It will not always be what we wish it to be

But It will be our brave space together,

And We will work on it side by side.

~ Micky Scottbey Jones

Lack of True Knowledge is the source of all pains and sorrows.

~Yoga Sutras

Within us is the secret longing to remember the light, to step out of time in this dancing world. It’s where we began and where we will return.

~ Jack Kornfield

Peace is the first condition, without which nothing else can be stable.

~ Sri Aurobindo

Seneca Prayer

O Great Mystery, we awaken to another sun
Grateful for the gifts bestowed, granted one by one
Grateful for the greatest gift, the precious breath of life….
Grateful for abilities that guide us day and night
As we walk our chosen path of lessons we must learn
Spiritual peace and happiness, rewards of life we learn
Thank you for our spiritual strength and for our thoughts to praise
Thank you for the infinite love that guides us through these days.
Aho……Namaste…….Amen…..And so it is


You Can Heal

