
Hemp is a plant that was banned for decades. Before this it propagated freely like a weed and fed our animals, supported the health and balance of the soil and water and provided the material for a large variety of life necessities. It wove its way through our lives, activating the consciousness that is life. The consciousness of connection, interdependence, creativity, nutrition and support.

It has returned to aid us in the shift that is upon us. Our endocannabinoid system, which was only discovered a decade ago is a network that activates and harmonizes all our other systems and without its activation through hemp we have been handicapped. Our nervous system, endocrine system and immune system all depend of its activation. It is the master switch. She has returned to help us usher in the dawn of the new age of love, balance, creativity, freedom and respect. Truly we are the mycelium web of consciousness that embodies the source and interfaces with all of nature in harmony.

As an Ayurvedic lifestyle counselor, yoga therapists, dancing Yogini and energy frequency intuitive I am blessed to bring this knowledge to the community so we can reclaim our lies, health, hope and a path forward.

THC free hemp is Nature’s power in a bottle which empowers our conscious awakening into our true nature and the connection to Source love and light. She is not a mind altering substance, a numbing of reality or an escape. She is the foundation and deep nutrition for awakening. She activates the link between Self and Source. She supports empowerment in Being-ness, flowering our unique expression of Nature’s intelligence. Imagine the power this web of awakening has to unfold solutions to our world dilemmas.

Join me and others in a movement of co-creativity and support. Cleanse the old and build the new in a higher frequency of joy, gratitude and hope.

Introduce hemp into your diet and you will experience an activation of your focus, energy, resilience, immunity and more. We are supposed to have cannabinoids connecting with the endocannabinoid system,. or contact me to link arms with a high vibe tribe.


A Journey of Ascension


The Art of Jin Shin