The Art of Jin Shin

The Frequency of Healing

Everything is frequency. Frequency is the vibration of the Life Force, Source. We see its expression as creation in its myriad forms. Nature vibrates in a symphony of harmonious frequencies. 

The earth herself vibrates in harmony with the universe. Our personal multi dimensional selves are in and of this ocean of frequencies. Health is alignment with Source, purity, and love.

The Art of Jin Shin is the tuning of personal frequencies with Source. Disharmony is caused by stagnation and stagnation begins when we don’t exhale/let go. When prana does’t flow with the the cycle of letting go and rebuilding through balanced breathing, dis-ease is the result. How the dis-ease presents itself depends on the emotion that is dominantly affecting the breath. Each depth of the body corresponds with two organs, one that governs descending energy and the exhale and one that governs ascending energy and the inhale and each depth and pair of organs is disharmonized by an emotion. Anger impacts the liver and gallbladder, sadness, the lung and large intestine, over- effforting, the heart and small intestine, worry the stomach and spleen and fear the bladder and kidney.

In Ayurveda it is also recognized that unprocessed emotions are the most significant contributors to dis-ease.

The beauty of the Art of Jin Shin is multi dimensional and encompasses knowledge of the science of numbers as vibrational embodiments of creation also reflected in the Tarot and the profound understanding of the planetary and astrological connections between us and our world. 

The Art of Jin Shin is the art of listening and seeing and holding the neutral space of love and compassion, that reminds our energy to return to harmony. Our multi dimensional selves long for this divine Beingness. 

Dive deep into stillness and let the rivers of your soul nourish every level of your being. This state supports health, vitality, creativity and balance. This is our birth right and we can take back our power to heal. Its simple.

I can share this art with you online or in person and teach you how to help your self, family and friends. Reach out.

Love and light





Conscious Conversations #11