You are an Infinite Being

You are an Infinite Being.

The great myth perpetrated into our psyches is that we are vulnerable and alone. We are born here, helpless and at the mercy of fate and the whims of the Gods. By luck of the draw we may be born into love, fortune and security or we may be cast into poverty and abuse.

Both extremes present us with the same challenge of discovering the Truth of who we are and taking up the mantle of our True power and responsibility.

You are an infinite being in a finite world. Why has the Truth been hidden? More importantly, what will wake you up to the Truth? In my experience there are two ways that life awakens us. One is pain and the other is love.Pain can leads us astray into anger, fear and revenge. Love can cloak our eyes and entrap us in the illusion that what we are seeking is outside ourselves.

Inevitably each life comes to the realization that what is real and eternal lies within and thus the journey of the hero begins. Many spiritual traditions and religions paths are founded on the Truth of who we are, but leave in their wake a skeleton framework of techniques, rules and philosophies which cause us again, to identify with an outer entity and system and be forever caught in the illusion of becoming.

You are an infinite being in a finite world. What does this mean in practical and experiential terms? Your time of awakening is now. Open your eyes and heart to the glory of life as exampled by the Sun and your own purity. Be the enthusiastic life that you are and live in alignment with Nature’s principals. You carry the power of Nature’s intelligence that arises out of gratitude, silence and stillness. You are infinite renewal and creativity. You are life.

Purify now. Release the illusion of separation, vulnerability and death. Release anger and fear. Disengage from the world and its message of division and lack. Everything that arises from the structure we live in and that we empower with our worship and attention, pulls us away from our inner power and purity and drains us of courage and clarity.

Remember who you are. Take back your power. You have the power to heal and renew and live in a world of beauty and harmony.


Freedom Dance is a Moving Prayer


Jyotisha, The Science of Light