Jyotisha, The Science of Light

Jyotisha is the name given for the ancient astrology revealed in the Vedas and is a more accurate measurement of planetary placements than western astrology. Enroll in a session with me to map your stars and discover your soul’s purpose through this system of deep insight.

Light is the fabric of our experiential reality. Atoms breakdown to their essence of light. Light sustains life and illuminates our vision and our minds and our ability to understand, imagine, create, digest, live, love and transform. It is the primary energy that has no beginning and no end.

It exists beyond time and space and creates time and space, form, density and color. It enlivens our senses and ability to touch, feel, interact, heal and evolve.

We are a both a source of light and a refection of light.  Material form is perceived through light.

The most dramatic example of light that we experience is our Sun, the giver of life in our solar system. Its power is effulgent, continuous and seemingly infinite, though we know our Sun had a beginning and will someday end.

We experience its energy as vitality. We have three personal suns in our bodily fields. The sun of the mind, the sun of the heart and the sun of the body which is our digestive fire. The position of the sun in our astrological chart represents our innate presence and power.

Each of the 9 primary planets reflects the power of the sun to us through its position in relation to the sun, moon and earth and specifically what slice of the sky they occupy at the moment of our birth. Much in the way our development in the womb and what we inherit from our parents and lineage determines the basic constitution we carry through life, the position of the planets hold the keys of our karma and dharma. Our constitution holds the key to our optimum diet, lifestyle, place to live, health challenges and how to attain vitality and longevity. Our chart placements show our gifts, talents, tendencies, health challenges, obstacles, inner most desires, strengths and more.

In Jyotisha we look first to the ascendant, known as the rising sign in Western astrology. This is where birth star constellation rises over the horizon and it holds the key of your life’s purpose. All the houses are in relation to the ascendant which is the first house of your core self. Secondarily we look at te moon placement as the indicator or your deep emotional psychology.

The science of light that is Jyotisha fine tunes your planetary placements into the nakshatras (star constellations) they occupy. Each sign has three possible nakhatras influencing it. There are 27 lunar mansions as they are also known and these reveal  karma and dharma.and more,

We also place significance on your planetary ruler, which is the house lord of your ascendant sign and look to its placement both of sign and of nakshatra to glean a deeper look into your life.

I found that learning about the Vedic view of my chart gave me tools to transform and utilize my strengths, as well and release patterns that do not serve me, in a more profound way than what I had learned from many western chart readings.

I had the blessing to study with esteemed Jyotishis for many years and finally become a Jyotishi myself, though I will always be a student of this vast and deep science.

Dive into uncovering the mystery of your being.

I love to unravel the thread and see the beautiful tapestry of each person’s life.

Contact me if you are interested.

Light on your path,



You are an Infinite Being


Prana, The Breath of Life