Prana, The Breath of Life

Prana is the shakti (energetic power) that creates, sustains and transmutes our world. She is the womb and the void and as such is called Kali in Vedic traditions. Kali means time. As she moved into creation she is measured in the cycles of time, but she is beyond time. She is the principal of consciousness which embodies the purity signal of love and her splendor unfolds as abundant life in all its myriad forms. She is the rich earth that grows the garden that brings beauty, color, fragrance, nourishment, shade, medicine, birth and death. She is the sparkling energy of the flowing waters that carry the signal of life and love through and all over the earth and through our bodies as blood and lymph, cleansing and bringing sustenance. She is the fire that gathers us in community, cooks our food, forges our tools, creates the mountains, sweeps away the dead brush and holds the heart fire of the earth, the wind that purifies the air, carries the seeds, forms the clouds  and moves every cell and function of our body, mind and spirit and she is the vast mysterious silence of the heavens through which spin the spiral galaxies of worlds beyond worlds, beyond worlds, all held in the heart of her imagination. She is the dreamer and she lives in our hearts as our personal source connection and self healing ability.

She is as intimate as our own breath, the love we feel in our hearts, the gratitude the wells up in appreciation for the beauty available to witness in each moment. She is life.

The miracle of being human is the miracle of knowing this power within and living in harmony with it. This has always been the core principal of yoga, my practice of over 40 years, which simply means union. Union, with what? Union with the core of ourselves which is prana shakti, Truth, Consciousness and Bliss.

Live your life in the awakened breath of compassionate awareness. Manifest health, truth, harmony and love in every moment. Manifest the New Earth in harmony with the loving intelligence of the Infinity Spark.

Thank you Oracle Girl.


Jyotisha, The Science of Light


Unlock Your Potential for “Dreaming”