Freedom Dance is a Moving Prayer

Freedom Dance

So many I meet tell me that they cannot dance. They are clumsy, or uncoordinated, limited by an injury or chronic condition. I understand. But I also understand they have a misconception about what dance is and can be. Dance is movement and movement is life. Sitting in a chair and moving your hands expressively can be dance. Laying on the floor and rocking the hips can be dance. Sitting on the floor or in a chair and swaying the spine gently can be dance. Dance is moving from a feeling sense in the body. Dance is embodiment. It is a claiming of the self and the soul. Dance heals. It releases stuck and stagnant energies that correspond to unfelt feelings and unprocessed stress and trauma. Like water when it flows, movement purifies. Lack of movement means death. Spontaneous freedom dance is simply being and allowing and honoring the self, letting go of self consciousness and celebrating life, emotion in motion, community and the Source. Dance is a moving prayer that sends the energy of our hearts into the earth and sky and joins us in love.

You are the spark of purity manifesting in this time moment and across all of space and time. You are the micros and the macrocosm.

You are the still point and your are the dance.

The body is a divine vehicle. We have been gifted to access to love and light, through it. Yet, how do we experience this and bring this energy into manifestation on and in this early plane.

According to the ancient seers, each of the 5 elements that comprise our physicalness corresponds to a part of the body, a quality of movement, an emotional state both positive and negative, an energy, and sound frequencies that activate and balance each element.

We are the Earth element supported by her loving abundance and embodying it. Through her energy we connect with the ancestors. Honor the earth, be the earth. The heart beat of the earth is connected to the drum and our own hearts.

We are the Water element and living, fluid life that flows through our inner channels, activating desire and emotion, passion and creativity. Sway your hips and channel fluid life to remove blockages at every layer of the bodies and fields. Purify and be the instrument of unique Divine creativity that you are.

We are the Fire that burns through all toxins and illusions. We are the fire that destroys, transmutes and generates love into form. We nourish, warm, comfort and also purify. We bring humanity together, grow food. We are the inner Sun.

We are the Winds, the Air element and is the Prana as the subtle and energized movement of life that blows through the trees and activates our cells and the wisdom of our minds. We express love. Prana is love. The heart is the center and is love.

We are the Ether element which is stillness and expansive space. We are all of time. We are here and everywhere.

We are profound. Feel this power, live and share it. Be the community of love on Earth.

“Dancing is not getting up any time

painlessly like a speck of dust blown around in the wind.

Dancing is when you rise above both worlds,

tearing your Heart to pieces and giving up your Soul.”


“Dance when you’ve broken open

Dance when you’ve torn the baggage off

Dance when you are perfectly free”


“ At this still point of a turning world, there the dance is.

We must be still and still moving into further intensity for further union. In the end is my beginning.”

T.S. Elliot

“The soul, like the moon,

Is new, and always new again

And I have seen the ocean

Continuously creating.

Since I scoured my mind

And my body, I too, Lalla,

Am new, each moment new.

My teacher told me one thing,

Live in the soul.

When that was so,

I began to go naked and dance.”

~Lalla Kashmiri

“And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane

by those who could not hear the music.”

--  Nietzsche


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