These Extraordinary Times

These extraordinary times have I have had the honor to link arms and join frequencies with a network of wisdom keepers, visionaries, healers, truth tellers and lovers. All these have been helpers in my awakening to myself as the divine spark of innocent perfection that I am and that you are. I am awakening from the dream spell of death and control that entrapped me with the projection of light casting illusionary spells. As the veil lifted I was shocked and I grieved the loss of a dream that I thought was True, but at the same time, feeling alive and hopeful in a way I haven’t since childhood. Death and rebirth. I now link hearts with a web of light that emanates from all true hearts, the crystals, the suns, and stars, the angels and all pure light beings. 

We pulse together, increase our light and sing glorious harmonies. To activate your connection to this frequency, purify your thoughts, your sensory input, your diet, your water, and spend time in nature. 

Empower yourself and tune to the your soul code through connecting with your soul star, revealed in your astrological chart.

Be in the moment and feel what you feel. Honor your self as an embodied light conscious. receive energy alignment healings such as reiki or the system I practice Jin Shin Jyutsu. 

Bring in the healing herbs, such as hemp which rests the nerves system, which is the physical conduit that channels your soul into embodiment and action.

Contact me for Astrological guidance, Energy healing, Transformative Meditation, Soul Guidance, Connecting to the network of wisdom and truth, and New Earth Ayurvedic, including Hemp.


Water of Life


The Blessing of this Time