The Blessing of this Time

The Blessing of this Time.

They say we are shifting from 3rd dimensional reality to 5th dimensional reality. What does that mean? Well, think about it. The higher the frequency, the more subtle, the faster. Quantum physics describes everything as energy or frequency, and with that they parallel the Vedic perspective of the ancients, who also viewed the manifest world as energy densing down into lower frequencies, the lowest being earth itself. But, not to think of low as less, but as a qualitative difference. In each spark no matter how it expresses itself there is the creative principal we call life, prana, Qi, energy, source, Sri, Vayu, God, atman, and more. The Vedic rishis, experienced and described in glorious songs of praise, this spark or spanda as conscious, loving and Divine. The map they left for us describes the journey inside the self to unify with Divine mind, which is the core self. They describe the various routes you can take, what skills will assist your journey, what obstacles you might encounter and how to avoid or remove them. This is the purpose of yogic techniques, which work with energy through the different levels of human manifestation, to realize the Divine unity. 

I have been living on planet earth as a stranger all of my life, especially among my birth family and usually among my neighbors, colleagues and friends as well. Over the course of my of life, as I sought to heal the wounds of rejection, shaming, and not being seen and validated, I encountered wise ones, who had traveled the shamans’ journey of death and rebirth and who facilitated my return to wholeness, independent of the structures and relationships that most depend on. This entailed connecting to the spirit realm, the subtle world of light and sound, where the angels, devis and ascended masters reside. It also entailed, in equal measure, journeys into pain and despair hidden in the recesses of my psyche. I believe it is only to the degree you feel the protection of the divine that you can travel into these places. There needs to be a resilience, even on a physical level of the nervous system. Many of us are damaged not just by emotional trauma, but physical injuries, and toxins as well. These divine energies in the subtle realm become my tribe. I contact that world daily and harmonize my body, mind and spirit with their frequency and through the rejuvenation, protection and guidance I feel from their presence.

Another significant helper on this journey has been hemp, the plant medicine of connection and empowerment. It repairs the brain. I will repeat that. It repairs the brain. It repairs the nervous system, assisting that resilience needed to raise the sword of truth.

The blessing of this time, is manifold. I have enjoyed a deeper inner practice, which has been necessary as the darkness seems to increase in the outer world.  Through zoom technology, which most of us have been required to utilize, I have connected to my soul tribe around the world. Literally hundreds and thousands, millions even. Certainly 200 directly, but I see them everywhere and am amazed at our numbers and passion. I never would have met these people and yet I feel closer to them than I dreamed possible. When they share from their hearts, I know the depth of their experience as my own. We are awakening, supporting each other and learning new ways of being. Just like the mycelium web of fungi that connects the tree tribes globally and like plant medicine such as hemp, that awakens our inner mycelium web of divine intelligence and connectivity to the collective.

The new way of being really launches itself as Saturn and Jupiter move into conjunction in Aquarius on Dec 21, 2020, the date, by the way that marks the end of the Mayan calendar.  Over the past months we have gone through deep personal and collective healing as we faced unhealed wounds and travels into the shadows, faced the darkness and integrated it into light, though love, compassion and forgiveness. As healing has crystalized we have been able to gather the power to pivot and begin the work we are here for, which is to birth the new world of love, unity, freedom, empowerment and creativity. We are flexing our muscle of will to direct our passion to visualize what is possible and by doing so, disintegrate what is outdated and corrupt.

This season we raise our voices in songs of praise and hope. We drop the shackles we willingly dragged along for centuries, because we were indoctrinated into the system. Collectively we have been shamed for dreaming, for innocence, for beauty, individuality, hope, faith and love Our dreams have been stolen. The world has bullied us into submission.

The plan has failed.

Now is the time to rise and roar. Victory to the dreamers, the lovers the people of the planet earth. Awaken your hearts.


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These Extraordinary Times


Power Retrieval