Power Retrieval
My Healing journey continues…..
My Healing Journey Continues
Friends, I am sharing this writing with you, because I have been metamorphosing over the last months, as I know we all have. I have recently emerged from a tunnel to find a new integrated understanding. I have integrated this same understanding over and over in deeper and more relevant ways over my lifetime of seeking Truth and fulfillment.
Life is energy and energy is consciousness. This consciousness is LOVE. We are part of a web of consciousness, mirrored by the mycelium web of fungi that connects the tree roots to forests miles away, forming a net of communication and collaboration. Trees exhibit compassion and caring, sharing and even pain when they don’t have water.
Life is loving intelligence.This is a foundational truth that yoga describes and its practices seek to awaken and embody.
Creation is perfect. It is perfectly harmonious. Life is perfect in all of its myriad expressions.
Human beings deviated from this perfection and we see the result. We have everything we need here to heal. Our bodies are fully capable of healing, except that our energy is no longer vibrating at its optimum frequency.
What disturbs the frequencies of our life force? Ayurveda, Shamanism and energy medicine systems teach us that there are internal and external influences that impair our God given right of Self Actualization and Freedom supported by our natural, uninhibited frequencies..
According to the teachings of yoga, the first and foremost disturbance in the field is the illusion of separateness. We have accepted the perspective that we are not a part of the collective consciousness, but separate and alone and we need to struggle and compromise and strategize our survival. Many of us have disconnected from spirit and to some degree, soul.We have lost our power, but not really. Our power is captured and we can reclaim it from our unconsciousness, through yoga, transpersonal psychology, shamanism, tantra and energy medicine. These are the teachings I am sharing in my current Yoga Therapy for Anxiety course.
These recordings will be made available.
When we do not feel complete we look for validation and approval and give our power away some more.
When we lose power we hamper our immune systems innate ability to heal, we suppress our creativity and joy and we trade freedom for safety.
The human spirit is strong and will rise again as a collective and as individuals. This is happening now. Yoga coming to the west in the early 1900s is part of this awakening and the seeds have been planted. Other movements have grown and clarity is returning and will unfold to a critical mass that awakens the whole. This is the way energy works, because we are all connected in the collective field.
Other impacts on our energy circuitry have been caused by environmental toxins, starting with early pesticides and chemicals developed in the beginning of the 20th century.. There was an explosion of chemical development before and around the first WW and these chemicals were never destroyed but perfected and utilized in peace time for multiple purposes that pollute our world. And chemicals that cannot be used are sprayed in the sky continuously because they cannot be stored in the earth. If anything is causing global warming it is this.
We started industrial farming utilizing pesticides, preservatives and later GMO which changes our DNA. An example of a harmful poison in our environments, that is a by-product of aluminum is flouride. Flouride has been discovered to atrophy the pineal gland. A massive campaign sold this idea to dental schools and the public and we all swallow it daily. We are being seriously affected by industry that is profit driven and has lost humanity. The pineal gland, according to yoga and other mystic sciences is connected to the “third eye” or 6th (Ajna) chakra, which in turn, when open and functional well, connects us to the Divine spark of intelligence, intuition, guidance, direct knowing, our higher self and wisdom. You see how, impairing this gland has robbed humanity. The pineal gland can be repaired with good water, meditation, good nutrition including hemp products (to be discussed later) and detox strategies. Contact me for information.
Another campaign against humanity was the introduction of petroleum products as pharmaceuticals by Rockefeller. To support his vision of utilizing his industrial waste products in a financially lucrative way he established the American Medical Association and funded medicals schools which followed his pharmaceutical based curriculum. A massive propaganda campaign vilified chiropractors, naturopaths, osteopaths and homeopathy. These ancient institutions were shut down, This is when we first heard the term quack.
And of course we now face the challenge of increasingly dangerous EMFs, when 5G is fully introduced.
Significantly, hemp was removed from our environment a century ago.
Our systems have cell receptors designed to connect with cannabinoids which are in many plants, but mostly hemp. This cannabinoid system is the foundation of our immune system and more. It used to pervade our environment, part of the very air we breathe as pollen. We have been depleted of this supportive factor for over a century. Now it is back.
Hemp repairs the brain. Think what this means for our depleted pineal gland. Think what this means for stress, PTSD, TMI, manic depressive disorders and more. This is a powerful food that we need and it is perfect for these times. It brings resilience.
I was introduced to hemp products two years ago when I was recovering from an intense car accident. CBD oils help me to recover strength and flexibility. These are not to be confused with cannabis products that contain the hallucinogenic component, THC.
Recently, I was exposed to a cutting edge technology and delivery system of cannabinoid products by Prime My Body.
My experience of these products manifested a different level of repair, altogether. And now I understand the potential of hemp and believe it to be one of the most important foods for our time and expanding market of the future.
When I first took, Focus, one of their featured products, I Immediately noticed a resilience return to my nerves system which has been challenged by the changes I see around me. I felt lighter and more focused to meet these challenges with positive vision and action. This was significant. I am sensitive to these things.
As a week of so passed, I started to notice deeper repairs occurring. I started recalling images from my past which were painful and up till now, forgotten. I realized these needed to be processed and released, because they were sabotaging my energy and holding me in subtle but negative (to me) belief systems. I did a lot of weeping and I faced painful awakenings, I may not have had the strength to process until now. I knew instinctively that it was a storm that would clear and that on the other side I would see more clearly and that is exactly what happened.
I feel like I retrieved power and a part of my soul. You might think this is a small thing, but I liken it to changing the navigation settings of an airplane cruising at 35,000 feet, even one degree, that will significantly change the outcome of the tracectory and destination.
I hold deep conviction that humans are remembering who they really are and coming together as a family, like the mycelium web. Hearts are vibrating at the same frequency and harmonizing to create a new song of perfection and freedom. Do you hear it?
If this resonate with you. Please reach out to me.
If you are interested in inner empowerment, health and freedom, financial nourishment and a high vibe tripe, as my mentor Imani Mamulation so eloquently describes, then join us.