Awaken to the Light


Where we find ourselves.

The world of duality in which we operate, at least those of us who are not yet in total enlightenment, has always been a balance and often a struggle between darkness and light.

The yogis and other seekers of Truth practice methods to harmonize the fluctuations of perception to hold awareness of the eternal. Perception of the eternal reveals the beauty, life, light and love that is creating, sustaining and calling us back home to source.

Here we are. What do you perceive? I see the Truth and also the shadow. The shadow dance now at play requires extreme clarity and is not a time to sit and wait for a positive outcome.

It is natural to examine the darkness which has grown in power and it is important to know one’s enemy.

But, we who see the illusion of the covid19 fear, see because we were placed here to help activate the awakening. 

Turn the energy around by steering consciousness back to love and gratitude. 

Close your eyes and place your hands one over the other on your heart center and connect to the cellular wisdom of your inner self that is the Divine.It is the song of the ancient ones. The song is being sung. Join your voices with the choir of awakening. Feel the entire Gaia family of earth, water, fire, air and space, animals, trees, birds, flowers, crystals and fellow humans singing a song of praise. Shift fear into gratitude. See the aqua marine radiance of Gaia flowing like a current through the cellular matrix of life in all of its manifestations. Call for the healing. Heal the separation which has created imbalance. Call for the balm of forgiveness and remember the Hawaiian prayer.

I am sorry

Please forgive me

I love you

Thank you

Let us awaken to our role here. Remember the cellular programming which is love. Awaken now. Come out of the nightmare. Disengage for the fear story. Elevate the vibration.

It is the nature of life to seek harmony. The more of us joining the song, the more that will hear.

Let’s dance and sing and all will join. Innocence returns and imagination awakens. 

Imagine together a world of love. The next chapter of humanity.

Connect to your dharma.

Love and light



Power Retrieval


Goals of the Ayurvedic Healing Course