Goals of the Ayurvedic Healing Course


The course provides the fundamental knowledge necessary for any deeper pursuit of Ayurveda. It aims at providing the basic background of Ayurvedic knowledge useful for all Ayurvedic practice. The main topics include:

  • Ayurvedic Anatomy and Physiology: Doshas, subdoshas, dhatus, srotas, malas, Agni etc.

  • Ayurvedic Psychology: Samkhya, Yoga and Vedanta

  • Determination of Constitution: Both physical and mental

  • The Disease Process: Stages, symptoms, prognosis

  • Diagnostic Methods: Pulse, tongue, abdomen, analysis of dhatus and srotas etc.

  • Treatment Methods: Diet, herbs, aromas, colors, gems, pranic methods, mantra, and meditation.

The course is most specifically aligned with the herbal and nutritional approach of the books Ayurvedic Healing, A Comprehensive Guide and The Yoga of Herbs both by Dr. David Frawley. Ayurvedic Healing supplements the course with the differential diagnosis of disease conditions and outlines the treatment of common diseases Ayurvedically. The course also includes much information on yoga, prana, and the mind. These are topics addressed in Ayurveda and the Mind, and Yoga and Ayurveda: Self-healing and Self-realization, both by Dr. Frawley. Ayurveda, Nature’s Medicine (Frawley) provides additional support material. The student who finishes the course will have a good knowledge of the background of Ayurveda along with keys to its dietary, herbal, yogic and psychological therapeutic approaches.

Graduates will receive a certificate as Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselor with the American Vedic Institute and Inner Domain 5 Element Healing Yoga and Ayurveda Healing.


Awaken to the Light


Certification as Ayurvedic Life-Style Counselor