Water of Life


Dear Yogis,

As you know my multi faceted passion for well being of body, mind and spirit, has lead me into many ways to support the Homo Sapien in this age or increasingly advanced technology, use of chemicals, genetic modifications, EMFs and AI interface. 

Yoga, New Earth Ayurveda, Shamanism, Jyotisha (knowing one’s astrological imprint),energy medicine and living by sustainable harmonious principals have never been more relevant.

Together they provide a full spectrum of support and a spiral toward higher consciousness. What is higher consciousness? That is what it is for us to discover, but we know it is love, kindness, compassion, creativity and through the inner awakening of the individual the whole is benefitted. It is a journey that originates individually through our personal source code to seek union with the divine principal and to embody that and contribute to the ongoing awakening of the whole. 

In our own journeys we can support this process through meditation, pranayama, asana, Qi gong, healing dance, subtle body technologies, as in Tantra, mantra, creativity, good sleep, harmonious relationships, respectful, service, balanced and grateful interface with the Earth and all that she provides. 

We are energy embodied. Yoga is system of the dense becoming subtle, dissolving heavier frequencies into fields of light, love and unity.

Everything that we feed our senses contributes or detracts from this process.

In the area of new Earth Ayurveda  nutrition and water are key contributors to our evolution.

Everything is energy as we know. Both the foundational, philosophical system of Yoga, Jyotisha, Tantra and Ayurveda, Samkhya and Quantum physics describe life as such. The Vedic sciences describe this energy as loving, creative, healing, balancing intelligent. We can see this.

There is truth in the statement “You are what you eat”. Never underestimate nutrition. Nutrition consists of spices, herbs, wild foods, fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds and legumes, for those eat eat meat, meat and water. Even with all of these in optimum frequency we are challenged by EMFs, chemicals, GMOS and other pollutants. We are further weakened by our disconnect from nature and its rhythms. To support the highest expression of our personal potential of love, fulfillment, creative intelligence, health and abundance we are benefited by bringing in powerful nutrients that build an inner resilience to combat the external factors and support the inner functions of body, mind and spirit.

Hemp, which has recently been made legal again is one such food. It was erroneously removed from the environment along with marijuana becoming illegal in the earlier 1900’s, even though it is not a psychotropic. In fact we now know it is essential. We have cellular receptors that are divinely designed to connect with cannabinoids, concentrated in hemp. This endocannabinoid system is regulating system that supports every function from the brain to the bones. It supports consciousness. 

To that end I have linked arms with a company that supplies a cutting edge product with an advanced delivery system and phenomenal synthesis of natural, organic, non GMO ingredients and very high quality hemp.

Part of this endeavor is also giving people an opportunity to create financial independence not reliant on external conditions. The company I have associated myself with, Prime My Body, has also partnered with a non profit in the DMV (Life Assets)  that offers micro loans to immigrants and others, for them to have the chance to create financial stability. I hope to see this opportunity provide a lifeline for many in need. If you know individuals who may benefit from this, please send them my way. If you connect to me via social media, you will notice my invitations to zoom gatherings to learn about hemp and all of its benefits. I encourage you to join sometime. If you are experiencing stress, fatigue, interrupted sleep, digestive issues, depression anxiety, isolation, fear, financial challenges or more, you will find the community inspiring, the message hopeful and the benefits, a game changer, as they say.

Another important foundation of optimum health is water. Many do not realize that water is not just hydration, but actually carries life force in its natural state. Many studies have been done on what is termed structured water. This is actually the structure water has as it flows as rivers, lakes, oceans, streams, springs, etc. Water moves in spirals in a perfect unfolding harmony. Like everything it holds a frequency which can be altered by its environment and also by emotions, thoughts and of course pollutants, plastics, chemicals and more. When water flows through pipes and processing centers its basic structure is interrupted and the life force seriously affected,  if not completely destroyed. Even if you are able to clean the water of its contaminants you have not addressed this loss of life-force.

It is possible to reintroduce the structure and therefore life force of water. This is the only water that is truly effectively hydrating. Re-structured water is alive and enlivens us. We can utilize a simple system to bring restructured water to our lives.

Contact me if you are interested.



Sacred Spiral Dance of Healing


These Extraordinary Times