Powerful Planetary Transits

Dear Star Gazers and Truth Seekers, the rest of this month brings us monumental planetary shifts which will impact the world and each individual depending on the house, in this case Aries, being affected in your birth chart, according to Vedic Astrology, a system, more astronomically correct than the Western system.

We have a powerful Solar Eclipse in Aries, a sign in which the Sun is exalted and begins a new 12 year cycle (Vyadi). The Sun represents the Self, creativity, leadership, radiance, charisma, father and Divine benevolence. An eclipse is a time of transformation and reflection as we stand at the juncture of a new frontier of a world we dream into reality. Now is the time to utilize your dreaming gifts to bring in a world of peace, respect, harmony and wisdom.

This is also a time called Akshay Tritya, an auspicious time which both of the luminaries are exalted, the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Taurus. Just before the Moon enters Taurus, he will be new in Bharani, the nakshatra representing the birth portal and the emergence of new possibilities. We will be having a Lunar eclipse on May 5th. Yes, this is eclipse season and many changes will manifest.

Jupiter is also ending a 12 year cycle to launch a new one in Aries. Meanwhile, he goes through a Gandanta (April 20-25), or portal which occurs when a planet moves from a water sign (Pisces) into a fire sign (Aries). My esteemed teacher, Dr Katy Jane describes this journey of Jupiter (Guru) using the analogy of Gandalf the Gray fighting a demon and seemingly to be lost into a firey abyss. Yet, he emerges in the next segment of the story as Gandalf the White having been forged through fire into a leader of greater power for the Light. This is our journey. Jupiter is the Guru and represents the archetype of wise leadership and benevolence. He enters Pushkara, a new 12 year cycle.

April 21 Mercury will be going retrograde in Aries. This usually indicates a time when communications of all kinds can be impaired. This depends on whether Mercury was in retrograde when you were born.

And yet we will also being blessed with a lucky exchange during this time. Mars and Mercury will changes places, as Mars will be in Gemini, ruled by Mercury and Mercury will be in Aries, ruled by Mars. Lucky exchanges bring a powerful grace to save us from dire circumstances.

So, we have the Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and the north node of the Moon, Rahu all together in Aries. New beginnings. How we will each receive and utilize these energies as we envision the world we want to see for ourselves and our families? Rahu is the visionary, the renegade, trickster and futurist. These are intense energies, but with faith and wisdom we can integrate them and move forward with focus and strength and create a better world.

To learn how these energies impact you individually, contact me to schedule a reading.

Blessings on your journey!


Rahu, the North Node of the Moon


Moon Muse April 6