A Return To Avalon


When the consciousness of men and women of the Earth fell into cheat and deceit, the transcendent realm of Avalon shifted into a dimension undetectable by humanity, except the purest of heart. The tale of Avalon reveals a basic truth of the descent of humanity into the 3rd dimensional reality we currently experience. When Avalon disappeared into the mists, so did the Unicorns and pure spirits of the land. The age of iron descended upon us. The age of violence and control that continues to this day. It has been with us so long we accept it as a permanent condition to adapt to and navigate. We live as victims and pray to the Gods, keep our heads down and follow the rules imposed by powers that generally appear to be benefic and yet readily instigate war, pillage, suppression, deception, theft and the manipulation of the weak to their own ends. 

Religions arise as strategies to align with Divine beings for protection and Grace. We chant spells called mantras and perform rituals to enjoin these divine powers to help us and mostly, many of us manage to live peaceful, healthy lives.

Now has come a time, a crossroad.

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.

This is a call to humanity to remember we are not the slaves the Iron Age. We are not victims begging for crumbs from the mighty machine of greed, manifesting as Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Oil, Media, the Military Complex, Intelligence Agencies, Regulatory Agencies and government (mind control), that have lost their bearings as servants of the people.

This is a global situation, in which homo sapiens are waking from a deep slumber that has lasted eons to reclaim our power to be the drivers of our own destiny. It is time to grow up and yes, there are growing pains.

We are in a crises of delusion and illusion infiltrated though centuries of manipulation. The dawn now arises and the energies of the Universe are aligned to support a massive shift in consciousness. We are moving forward in love, light and power to create the world of harmony, equality and freedom that is our birthright.

The stars have realigned and our precious home, the  jewel of a planet called Earth (Gaia or Tara) has moved into a different band-width of energy in the Universe which instigates and supports the awakening of humanity to our God given birthright. We are the sons and daughters of Able. We are the holders of light, love, truth and the power of freedom and Divine creativity.

Drop the veil of illusion. Awakening to our God given power of love and creativity, means taking full responsibility and dropping the mantle of victimhood, that can give some false sense of comfort and security.. But beware. Your keepers can as easily be your death. Empower yourself. Flex your muscles of Sovereignty.

Step out into the light. This is your birth. This is the awakening the sages have described for eons. It may not look as you expected, but here it is. The powers that rule us, have been unplugged.

They are not supported in our new frequency. 

Don’t give them power.

What practices can we do to support our evolution?

Disengage from media.

Spend time in nature.

Practice periods of silence.

Disengage from devices often.

Detox (contact me for guidance)

Use crystals (contact me for guidance)

Yoga, walking, swimming etc.

Receive energy healing (contact me to schedule a session)

Dance, sing, play, write, paint, create.

Call in light and assistance from the high frequency positive beings.

Avoid all actions out of alignment with the principals of nature and yoga, specifically practicing “Do no Harm and Truthfulness”, which are by the way, the first two ethical principals on the path described in the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali. This starts with how you direct thought, deed and intention toward yourself.

Forgive yourself.

Release negative patterns from the past.

Eat organic high frequency whole food. Eat less. Grow your food if possible or connect with a conscious farmer near you.

Drink restructured and purified water.

Consider high vibe supplements like hemp (nevafusion.primemybody.com), liquid sulfate zinc (Vimergy), lipsomal vitamin C (7Lights Nutrition), 10,000 iu of D3 day, good magnesium, MSM, DMG, Colloidal silver, Sweet Annie (an anti parasitical herb), iodine, Pine Needle tea, Fennel seed tea and or Star Anise tea.

Fresh air, aromatherapy.

Heat therapies, like infrared, dry saunas and steam saunas.

Gratitude and humility.

Connect with a network of like -minded and hearted people. Seek inspiration.

Move out of envisioning into action and manifestation.

Learn your life purpose according to the stars (Jyotisha). Contact me for guidance.

Remember who you are!

You will find a selection of meditations on my site to choose from to assist your journey.

Avalon will once again be the land of beauty and divine creativity we will enjoy. It is here. Look toward the horizon. The sun heralds a new dawn of a divinity we have only imagined as described by sages of old. Do you see the light?

Love and light.



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