We are the Watchers on the Wall

We are the Watchers on the Wall.

How responsible am I to right a wrong that I perceive and what is the best approach? What thoughts, actions and words would be most effective to succeed. And how do I determine what success is? How can I serve?

These are the questions I reflect upon everyday, because I perceive we are at a fork in the road as humanity. Will we chose love, equanimity, natural intelligence or something else?

What power do I have? Do I have any power? What is the appropriate use of power? 

I love. I have the longing for clarity. I respect life. I honor freedom and that includes others making choices I do not see as best for them or others. But what about the innocent that cannot make choices for themselves? What about the planet?

I pray. I listen.

My intention is to hold a high frequency or light, truth and love..

I know I am here for a reason and the knowledge I have been given is to be activated and acted upon. The guidance comes from within the silence of my heart/mind. I am like a seed that has been dormant in the desert for centuries, gathering data and eons of experience.

In this lifetime I have been the black sheep. But, now I see, there has been a purpose for my convoluted journey. There are many of us now. We come from all walks of life, cultures, countries, levels and forms of education, religious and political beliefs, ages and view points. We have one thing in common. We see beyond the veil of the illusory world. Many of us are involved in spiritual practices that gave us the ability to connect with pure love and light through a variety of techniques and doctrines. Many of us are artists, healers, psychics, and delvers into the mysteries of esoteric sciences. We are the seekers of answers to that which cannot be known by the intellect alone. We perceive the spirit world beyond the veil and love and light is our nourishment. We live in humility and awe.

When the madness of the world runs its course. When the insatiable beast of greed and lust for power devours itself, having laid to ruin so much of this beautiful creation, we will be the ones left standing and offering refuge, healing and solace to the innocent and the blind.

When does lack of consciousness stop being an excuse? But we are handicapped. Our minds and bodies have been poisoned for decades with pesticides, radiation, fluoridated water, GMO foods, chemicals in food, clothing, building materials, rugs, bedding, towels, curtains, paint, insulation, medicines and the list goes on. Our regulatory agencies are funded by the companies they are supposed to protect us from. We have been intoxicated with entertainment, media, marketing strategies and manipulated information. We are in the Kali Yoga.

In the chakra system, it is the third eye which allows us to perceive inner light, truth and the energy of creation. It is beyond the realm of the unawakened mind. A poisoned mind is dulled. The pineal gland is impaired and the inner sight is closed. We can cleanse the system and part the veil, by removing heavy metals from our brain and nervous system.

The naval chakra helps us manifest the blueprint of the Divine plan, though our body wisdom. When we reset our digestion, by removing dead food and water from our diets and rekindle our life force through living water, living organic foods and herbs, reboot our deeper reserves through super foods like hemp, chaga and other powerful healing mushrooms and clear emotions through meditation, energy balancing, yoga, dance and time in nature, we can step into our power to create beauty and harmony for all.

This is why the great yogis purify their diets and choose organic materials for their clothing, cleaning supplies, homes and more. Divine energy of vitality and creativity flows through us. We have great potential for imagining and working together to manifest a world of balance and freedom for all. It is time to reclaim our birth right.

I have prepared my entire life for this time. Through suffering and abuse, both from a distorted mind and outer influences and also from great gifts of grace. bestowed upon me I have transmuted poison into bliss and ignorance into knowledge. I know we have the potential to heal on every level. We are multi dimensional beings and we have forgotten who we are.  It is time to remember, to cleanse and to take back our power.We are the star seeds of the universe living on a magnificent, jewel of creation. She will flourish again.

Join me in the journey of reclaiming your life.




Conscious Conversations #11


A Return To Avalon