Brave New Life


We stand in the doorway of a new world. Our mother Gaia, now referred to as Tara, who gave birth to us and sustains us, has moved into a higher frequency as we transfers homeward toward our Galactic Sun, the source of highest loving consciousness. What does this mean for us? It means more love and light, freedom and creativity, health and wisdom in action.

It also means the deletion of the old, lower denser frequencies that do not resonate with love and all that arises from conscious action. From the micro to the macro this redefining of the human being is taking place. And from the new men of women of the earth arises organically, like fruit from the soil, new ways of relating, exchanging, building and sustaining life that supports individual freedom, creativity, health, prosperity, education and prosperity for all, in the way that was envisioned by our founding fathers, but needs to be committed to in essence, once again. A network of communities that self govern based on the principal Aparighraha. Don’t take more than you need. To do so is theft. Do no harm. Live in balanced reverence and respect as a steward of the earth, sustainable for generations. Value each other’s gifts. Fair exchange.

We transition the stormy seas in which the old paradigm gasps its last breath and tries to dissolve us all into its inevitable demise. But our light and purity now strengthened will not take that path. Innocence returns. We awaken from the dream spell which has captured us in its thrall these multiple millennium. We rise and stretch our wings, remembering we are the children of the Divine and the Divine resides within us waiting for acknowledgement and expression. Gratitude. Song. Dance. Creativity. Sharing. Healing.

Many of us have dedicated our lives to attaining this new level of awareness through various techniques of yoga, energy medicine, prayer, mantra, meditation, shamanism, soul retrieval, mantra, Ayurveda, and other avenues of ancient knowledge. This knowledge was preserved for this time, but now the time of preparation is over and we stand ready to fully transform. This means an actual shift in our DNA and ability to hold a higher frequency in our physical bodies.

Various nutrients and detox methods, such as Hemp, increase the resilience of our nervous system to hold these frequencies and move past fear and anxiety into creativity and freedom. Cleanse and heal.

We have been practicing manifestation and other similar techniques, but now our vision is crucial and it must be aligned with Source. Source resides within and all around us and between us like a mycelium web. All over the planet the healers and yogis are connecting to each other and creating a web of light that is pulsing with growing strength.

Hold love in your heart and remember who you are. Awaken now. As the light increases, so does the darkness which wishes to preserve itself and its control at the lower frequency levels. 

The new Earth will not resonate with their frequency. We don’t know what the shift will look like as the transformation continues. It is time to hold faith and light and stand for Truth and Higher Knowledge. Turn to the inner vision of light and love, no matter what and focus on a world of freedom, respect, love, health, abundance and creativity. Tara will heal her waters, atmosphere, and soil, as we apply free energy technology, advanced healing methods and sustainable farming. We will reclaim our humanity in love and respect and live in communities of harmony and balance. Hold the vision.

This an opportunity to face your own shadow, and heal the traumas within you that blind you to your purity and power. 

Cleanse your body, mind and spirit. Arise like the phoenix from the ashes. Be the warrior of light and truth.

Remember who you are.




A Return To Avalon


Speaking of Resilience