Learn your Life Purpose, Book your Vedic Astrology Reading Now


Vedic astrology came to us through the rishis (great seers) of the Vedas, the oldest record of Divine transmission that were communicated via mantra and word of mouth, guru to disciple for millennia, until finally recorded in Sanskrit some 3000 years ago.

 It is based on the sidereal zodiac, whereas Western astrology is based on the Tropical zodiac. 2000 years ago these two views of the universe lined up, but due to the precession of the stars, the Tropical zodiac is now incorrect in relation to astronomy, or the true placement of the stars, by approximately 30 degrees.

 The seers perceived the patterns of the planets, cycles and stars and how they impact the cycles of our personal development as a soul, as well as the collective consciousness of the planet and the planet’s evolution. The planets reflect the light of pure consciousness emanating from the Galactic Sun through the quality and position of the planet, relative to the constellations and the house placement in your birth chart.

 Paramahansa Yogananda, the great Guru of the 20th century, had a teacher who was an esteemed Vedic astrologer, Yuketswar. The spiritual teachings they brought for the awakening of mankind acknowledged the energetic influence of the planets and stars as crucial to our spiritual development.

 There is a relationship between Vedic Astrology called Jyotisha (the science of time and light) and Ayurveda, the science of longevity. In fact, many Ayurvedic practitioners use astrology to help inform them of your particular health challenges, whether, mental, emotional or spiritual. They do this through understanding the nature of the elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether, the building blocks of all life. Each individual will embody a dominant dosha which is a combination of elements. Kapha dosha is earth and water, Pitta dosha is fire and water and Vata dosha is air and ether. Kapha is heavy, cold and wet, as is the Moon, Pitta is hot and moist as is the Sun and Vata is dry and cold like Saturn. So, if you are Vata dosha dominant and Saturn features prominently in your chart, especially in the 6th house of health you may suffer from mental or physical imbalances relating to too much dryness, which can cause degeneration, anxiety, nervousness, weak bones, poor digestion and nervous system imbalances such as Parkinson’s disease. This is just to give a broad example.

 Western astrology looks at your birth chart from the lense  of the Sun, which is your outer personality, whereas Vedic astrology features the placement of your rising sign or your ascendent, because this was the star rising on the horizon at the moment of your birth and indicates your soul’s imprint from a past life, coming into this life with new blessings to embody your fulfillment and purpose.

 In addition and very importantly, Vedic astrology is lunar based through featuring the Nakshatras, which refines the understanding of the planetary placement in the houses of the zodiac. A Nakshatra is a star constellation and there are three possible constellations in each sign of the zodiac. Each Nakshatra has its own shakti which is a unique power.

 The Nakshatras also determine your Dashas, or the planetary periods your soul is transiting.

This is just a small introduction into a vast body of knowledge that will help you understand your destiny and purpose ad also your power to change your destiny though evolving into more and more love and light. Edgar Cayce, acknowledged that Western astrology is off by 30 degrees. He went on to say that destiny is 75% of our reality and personal will is 25%. When we understand our challenging cycles and those karmic imprints that create obstacles, pain and loss, we can learn to overcome them. Each cycle comes to an end. There is also hope and a lesson of light in the darkness.

Now is the time for us to realize how powerful we are to manifest a world of harmony, peace, love and light.

 I came to Jyotisha in a challenging time of loss and despair. Jyotisha showed me the planets that were impacting me though the Dasha placement and I was able to recognize this time would end and that there was a powerful opportunity to take my spirituality to a deeper level. It was a life changing experienced, which inspired me to learn this tool to help others.

 Contact me and take the journey into light.

 Much love



Journey of the Soul


Connecting to the Power of the Sun