The Science of Timing, Muhurta

In Vedic astrology known as Jyotish (the seeing eye), there is a practice called Muhurta from a calendar called Panchanga which astronomically measures the timing of the day and the energy it brings. This science is used to plan important events such as weddings, business launches, surgeries, travel, contracts, starting projects such as building a home and more. Some days are auspices and some are not and one would want to avoid aligning the beginning of a venture with negative signs.

This Monday, June 19 is first and foremost a Moon day. This indicates that acknowledging the nurturing and reflective qualities of the moon, including self care, journaling, honoring emotions and wearing white will be beneficial.

The number for today is 4, which is the number of manifestation, structure, foundations, family, security and therefore a good day to honor these activities and dimensions of life. It corresponds with the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer which is ruled by the Moon and the element of water. Our relationship with the mother archetypes  is also emphasized.

The Nakshatra is Ardra. A Nakshatra is a star constellation. Ardra means the arduous, she who weathers the storm, is able to carry a heavy burden and who purifies into a diamond through pressure. The symbol is the teardrop of relief through catharsis. Ardra is ruled by Rahu, the north node of the Moon and is the first of three Nakshatras so ruled. Rahu indicates the direction we are heading and supports research, science, rebellion, courage and the unusual and unique.

The Rashi lord is Mercury. Ardra is the rashi (heap of stars) or astrological sign of Gemini which is ruled by Mercury. Mercury along with Moon are the planetary energies of today. Mercury brings the energy of communication, healing, intelligence and rapid changes.

The Titthi of today is Shulka Dwitiya which is the second pada (step or day) of the Moon’s waxing journey. The deity ruling this day is Brahma , the creator and the energy is one of joy, creativity, new beginnings and unions.

The yoga is vriddhi which brings wisdom speech and communication.

Th Karana  or character of the day is Balava which indicates honor, learning, respect and ceremony.

To summarize, this day is supportive of purification, new beginnings which hold honor and respect, nurturing, harmonious relations with mother and family, creativity, research and self care.

Much love



Planetary Transits


Rahu, the North Node of the Moon