Love and Light Amplification
Yoga is the journey of traveling through the labyrinth of the multi dimensional self in search for the Holy Grail, the True Self, the Source Connection, Divine Mind, Universal Consciousness and ultimate expression of Being here in light and love.
Not only yoga but religions, “new age” practices, shamanic traditions and transpersonal psychology all seek attainment of the realization of Truth, the purpose of life and how to optimize our experience of life.
And beyond these personal quests, how can we be part of a positive transformation that is more direct, effective and powerful than political systems, doctrines, beliefs and the same old strategies we have seen fail over millennia. The solution can never arise from the limited mind tainted with imperfection, dillusion, ego, trauma, mind control and desire.
And yet, the withdrawal from the world into reclusive meditation practices hasn’t proven to be the solution. How to be in the world and not of it?
According to the Vedas our planet is transitioning into a new wavelength, closer to the Galactic Sun, a higher frequency expressed as more love, harmony, compassion, healing ability, freedom, creativity and advanced technology that doesn’t rape or pollute the mother earth or enslave us all to tryants who control resources.
The consciousness of greed, control, lust for power, belief in limitation, lack and total disregard for life is becoming increasingly extinct. This is one species that through extinction will benefit life on earth.
What can we do to be a part of transmutation into a higher frequency of love that purifies the world of vampirism?
Be you.
Be love. Be light. Ground in the earth. Connect with your community. Do the next right thing and the next right thing. Get involved. Know that you are needed, powerful and important. Spend time in stillness and reverence for nature every day. Cultivate and nurture bonds of affection and tell everyone you love that you love and appreciate them.
Imagine, dream, create. Take care of your body with clean fresh real food, clean water, exercise, sunlight, fun and rest.
Love everyone you meet.
Generate the new frequency.
Much love