Faith and Fear
When despair for the world grows in me
And I wake in the night at the least sound
In fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water and the great heron feeds.
I come into the presence of wild things
who do not tax themselves with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
Waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
~Wendell Berry
Do you have fear? What is it and where does it come from? Is it from media platforms, understanding of world events, threats of disease, financial loss, terrorist threats, global government control through digital IDs and currency, weather manipulation, plagues, food supply chain disruption, limits on travel, speech, creativity, expression? Is your fear warranted? If the perceived threats are real do you have any power to protect yourself?
Is denial the answer? Is spiritual bypass the answer?
What is Faith?
I find it useful to consider these questions from the perspective of frequency.
Frequencies of beauty and harmony with the purity of the very current of life force expressed as matter, bring health, joy, fulfillment, abundance, wisdom, creativity, community and protection.
Discordant frequencies, disrupt the life essence, distort natural processes of healing, detoxification and renewal, creativity, harmony and clarity.
The entire spectrum of creation is composed of harmonies/frequencies which are either in alignment with love and purity or not.
How many man-made creations reflect the perfection of nature and its principals of “do no harm” and leave no trace?
Indigenous cultures instinctively knew and lived these truths for eons. Then another type of being entered the scene, obsessed with power, control, and disregard for the foundational principles of kindness, compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, and respect for the creation. For these beings creation, including living beings, was there to be exploited, drained of energy and resources and discarded. I call this species, the “hidden presence” and to this day it influences people to varying degrees.This sociopathic consciousness thrives in the guise of soulless corporations, governments and now high tech systems like AI, which we seem eager to turn our life-force over to.
In Sanskrit we have a word called Sraddha, which can be understood as passionate faith. It is not passive faith in which one stands back and hopes everything will turn out okay. That type of faith is an expression of disempowered enslavement in which we turn over our power to some external entity to save and protect us and take care of our needs.
Sraddha derives from love deep in the core of your being, which is your personal source connection, access to healing, wisdom, freedom and creativity. This type of faith is the lighthouse that points the way in each moment as you tune into inner guidance from your heart and fearlessly say NO to any encroachment on your personal freedom in any arena of life, while simultaneously saying yes to everything that supports life and its principals. It involves fearlessly stepping into the unknown and manifesting a new reality in alignment with the beauty and perfection of nature and its frequencies of love and purity.
Sraddha is a practice of going into deep silence with yourself and being with what arises without judgement. It is the surrender into this space of centered stillness while walking through the chaos of the world.
It is not denial of discord, destruction, cruelty, violence, criminality, poisoning, deception, usurpation or any other negative deed or intention perpetrated by the “hidden presence” acting through manipulation and deceit.
Nor it is engaging in battle with said forces, which binds us in a perpetual loop of polarity that distract from our true power and mission.
Instead it is a new path forged from fearless love, anchored in inner alignment with the “Loving Presence”, which can then manifest through us to create the world of peace, fairness, harmony, love, health and freedom we all wish to see for our children. The mystery of beauty manifests with each step we take forward in this alignment.
Regularly step away from the streams of information that jangle your nerves and disrupt your relationships and take time each day to establish and live from your inner truth, your Source Connection.
Contact me for spiritual consultations, energy alignment and knowledge about your personal purpose.
Much love