Embody the Sacred

The Fragrance of the Divine

Have you perceived the Sacred? Have you gazed into the vast star sprinkled night sky and felt the deep silence at the core of your being? Is it familiar? Do you resonate with it? Have you watched the sunrise over the water and received its sublime beauty into your mind and heart as the epitome of life giving, loving energy and beauty in our world? Have you felt the nourishing stillness of an old growth forest envelop you more preciously than the most inspiring cathedral?

All of these are reflections of the energy that sustains you in the core of your heart. We can learn to directly attune and immerse in that core energy that is our dearest friend and companion, guide and teacher, so close and sometimes seemingly illusive.

The voice of the Universe is communicated through nature’s beauty, power and presence. We all know it, but perhaps below the acknowledgement of the busy conscious mind. Through attuning to this pervasive undercurrent of peaceful and eternal power we have the potential to awaken our higher selves and embody the Divine in our own lives. Our dharma is to fulfill our destiny to be frequency harmonizers in our personal lives, communities and the entire world.

The frequency of peace and love is strengthening now as we leave the energy of the Age of Pisces, fraught with conflict, deception, power struggles and blood sacrifice and enter the Age of Aquarius in which a vision of harmony, love, purity, innocence, beauty, freedom, health and justice prevails.

We are in the fire of transformation now. The crucible of change. The darkness before the dawn.

Do not lose heart.

Spend more time listening to your deepest longing to connect with the Sacred and your awe and gratitude for the beauty of life on earth. It is this longing which will take you to the secret recesses of your spiritual heart and reveal to you your own inner Divine Being who is actually the eternal and infinite You.

When we each prioritize this practice our world will transmute out of darkness, conflict and ignorance, into peace, love and light.

Awaken now.

Please contact me for more information about your personal Dharma or purpose, through the lense of Vedic astrology and for guidance in lifestyle adjustments, meditation, yoga and mantra.

Light on your path,



Full Moon Intentions


Today Dream the New Earth