The Measure of Wealth

The Measure of Wealth

The nine nights of the Goddess ends and ushers in the last week of October culminating in a lunar eclipse on Oct 29. Nine is the sacred number of completion and heralds the beginning of a new cycle.

The energy of the Moon that launches this week is in the star constellation (nakshatra), Dhanishta, which means the wealthy and the famous. The symbol is the sacred drum called the damaru, which Shiva shakes to announce important events. The damaru is shaped like an hour glass, two inverted triangles that meet at an apex, signifying the union of heaven and earth. The apex is the heart center. What is the true measure of wealth and fame? Fulfillment of the heart is the measure. What fulfills you? Are you living this? That is the question of this time.

Dhanishta is also symbolized by a pod of dolphins, the most joyous and playful of the sea creatures, who travel in pods indicating the importance of community cooperation, compassion and support.

Dhanishta resides in Capricorn which is ruled by Saturn, the wise teacher who makes us face our lessons, apply discipline and patiently live and work within the restraints of the Yamas and the Niyamas and the 10 Commandments.

From the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Ahimsa (do no harm)

Satya. (honesty and integrity)

Asteya (no theft)

Aparigraha (no attachment)

Bramacharya (keeping the company of inspiration and truth)

Sauca (purity)

Svadyaya. (self reflection and responsibility)

Samtosha (contentment and gratitude)

Tapas (cleansing, discipline and steady effort)

Isvarapranidhana (devotion to a higher power)

Dhanishta is ruled by Mars and as such, carries warrior energy as well. How will you enact your warrior energy, for justice or for chaos?

She is also energized by the Deities called the 8 Vasus or the indwelling gifts and virtues.

This is an auspicious nakshatra, blessed with many gifts. These gifts are activated through the discipline of Saturn and the support of like hearted community.

The energy of the eclipse on Sunday is also significant. The moon will be in Aries with Jupiter and Rahu, opposite the Sun in Libra with Ketu, Mercury and Mars. The unusual aspect of this Alignment is that Libra is ruled by Venus who is transmitting Leo and therefore there is a “lucky exchange” between the Sun and Venus. So what we have is the Moon now opposite Venus. This denotes a great blessing of being saved from something otherwise destined. A near miss.

Further nuance to this eclipse is the movement of the lunar nodes from Rahu in Aries into Pisces and Ketu in Libra into Virgo. The lunar nodes are the karmic axis and their movement into a new sign only occurs every 18 months. As Rahu shifts from a fire sign (Aries) into a water sign (Pisces) he travels through a gandanta or karmic knot. This is a time to release karma from your bodies and fields.

In summary, the week carries the blessings of heart centered fulfillment and 8 deep indwelling gifts that are activated through humility and consistent effort.Shiva heralds an ending and a beginning and a unification of heaven and earth. It is a time to go inward and reflect, meditate, connect with heart wisdom.

Contact me to look at your personal birth blueprint.

Much love



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