Rise to the Throne

Moon in Magha

I bring these insights as shared with me by my esteemed teacher, Dr Katy Jane.

The Moon is in the star constellation or nakshatra, Magha, which means the magnificent. the central star is Regulus which is a mirror to our sun, the rishis referred to as the “little king” or “little sun”. Magna is a constellation in Leo, the lion, ruled by the Sun

The symbol of this nakshatra is the empty throne, implying there is a throne awaiting all of us as we evolve to our sovereign potential. What are the ideal attributes of a king or queen? Wisdom. Equanimity. The ability to be detached and apply the natural law for the good of all. This is the state achieved by the Buddha. Neither this nor that. The middle way. EQUANIMITY. This is not escapism. Nor is it immersion in conflict. It is the ability to rise above and discern the optimum path.

Another feature of this nakshatra is its message of connection to the ancestors. Rulership is an inherited responsibility and a gift and obligation to the ancestors, particularly the male lineage, the Pitirns. What does this mean for us? It implies the burden we carry to fulfill  that which was not fulfilled by our ancestors. The undone business. This is further magnified by the position of Saturn opposite the moon and in the nakshatra, Shattibisak, the one who is surrounded by or attracts 100 healers or healing remedies. Saturn also signifies the ancestors, the past, the inheritances and our duty to fulfill obligations. He holds us accountable. He governs our karma and the illusion of time. The message is that we do not have time. Heal now.

It is time to look at our family relationships as we enter the holiday season which in itself can bring up many issues. Consider we do not have time. Now is the time to heal our relationships.

How can we find that inner equanimity that allows us to forgive and stand in unconditional love, while holding healthy and necessary boundaries.

We can see from the violent eruptions around the world that humanity has not evolved as much as we might have thought. Now that we see the darkness we can take responsibility for how it manifests in our personal lives and course correct. Be the LIGHT.

Contact me for more detailed information about your birth chart.

Much love



Yoga/QiGong Gentle Flow with Yoga Nidra


Moon in the Sign of the Prophet